Foreclosure Prevention & Homeownership | Pacific Community Services, Inc.

Pacific Community Services, Inc.

Located at 329 Railroad Avenue, Pittsburg CA 94565                                                                                                         Phone (800) 914-6874       © 2018 

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling: 

PCSI provides confidential counseling to families who are in danger of losing their homes through foreclosure. Families are assisted to try and keep their homes and protect any equity that may have built up.

This type of counseling consists of a personal interview and the development of a case management plan. A working relationship is established between the homeowner and lender and so as to determine the best relief measures. Every possible alternative to foreclosure is explored to reach a suitable solution. 

Relief measure sought include:
• Loan Modification or reduced payments
• Reinstatement and Assistance Under Keep Your Home program
• Forbearance agreements
• Deed-in-lieu of foreclosure
• Refinancing or recasting the mortgage 
• Sale of the property


Home Buyer and Homeownership Counseling: Homeownership counseling prepares first time buyers for a succesfull home purchase.  Budgeting, understanding the home purchase process and the fees that lenders may charge better prepare new buyers to acquire their first home. 

Homebuyer workshops are scheduled when there is sufficient participation for a group 8 hour session.  Individual Homeownership counseling is available in conjunction with participants and face to face individual counseling sessions. 

© Tom LaFleur 2021